Super Admin Users and Admin System Group Members Only
Super Admin Users and members of the Admin System Group have the ability to review all pending approval requests. Follow the steps below to view all pending approval requests.
- Super Admin Users and members of the Admin System Group have the ability to view pending approval requests for any group. To do so, from the back-end administration area of Mura, they can select Site Settings from the main navigation, then click Approval Chains.
- From the Approval Chains screen. click the three-dot menu next to the desired group, then select Pending Requests. Or, click on the name of the approval chain itself to achieve the same result.
- The administrator should now be able to see a listing of all pending requests for the selected group.
- Click the three-dot menu of any content item to reveal a menu of options.
- Edit
- Forwards you to the Edit Content screen.
- Preview
- Displays the currently published version of the content item in a new tab.
- Version History
- Forwards you to the Version History screen, where you can select the desired version you wish to work with.
- Edit
- If you selected Edit from the three-dot menu, you should see the Edit Content Screen. The Status should reflect "Pending Approval" and an alert should appear above the tabs with a link to View Details.
- Click either the Pending Approval link or the View Details link to reveal the Status dialog window.
- From the Status dialog window, you can view details about the content item, and see which group the approval chain is waiting on under the Approval Status section. Under the Action section, you can choose to Approve or Reject the submission. If you choose Reject, you will be required to enter Comments, so the submitter will know why their content submission was rejected.
- Once you've made your decision, click the Apply button to save your decision.
- This process will need to be repeated by a member of any other group(s) assigned to the approval chain before the item will be officially Published.