Tagging Content - Mura Docs v7.0

Tagging Content

Follow the steps below to add/edit content tags.

  1. Select a content item to edit. If you're editing content from the front-end public view, use "Full Edit" mode.
  2. Select the "Tags" tab.
  3. If the content item you've selected has already been tagged, they will appear below the text box.
  4. If you want to delete/remove one of the existing tags, simply click the circle with an "x" in the middle of it just to the right of the existing tag.
  5. If you want to add/create a tag, type the word into the text box, and hit "Enter" or "Return" on your keyboard.
  6. As you type, Mura will display a list of tags that have already been used before that match the letters you're typing. So, for example, if you type a "k" into the text box, any tags that contain a "k" in it will appear below. Also, if you click the down arrow in the empty text box, a full listing of tags that have already been used will appear.
  7. If your desired tag appears in the list, simply click on it, and it will be added.
  8. When you're finished tagging your content, select your desired publishing option to save the content.
  9. Depending on how your layout templates were created, your tags may appear with your content. Visit the Tag Cloud Display Object section for more information.