The "config" Directory

This directory contains Mura's configuration files. The files and their purpose are listed below.

Directory Editable Description
{context}/config/Application.cfc No This file prevents site visitors from navigating directly to any of the .CFM files contained within this directory.
{context}/config/cfapplication.cfm Yes Experienced developers may add custom Application.cfc variables and/or ColdFusion/CFML mappings here.
{context}/config/ No This file contains information about the files contained in this directory.
{context}/config/settings.ini.cfm Yes This is an extremely important file, and contains many of the default settings for Mura. View the settings.ini.cfm reference guide for details.

The "settings.ini.cfm" File

This extremely important file contains many configuration settings for Mura. The ".ini" file format is an informal standard for configuration files. It's a simple text file with a basic structure composed of sections with key-value pairs.


yourCustomKey=Your Value

Semicolons (;) at the beginning of the line indicate a comment. Comment lines are ignored.


A reference for Mura's configuration settings is outlined below.

Settings Section

Key Type Default Description
appreloadkey string appreload The URL variable used to trigger Mura to reload the entire application. For security purposes, it is highly recommended to change this setting for production environments.
mode string production

Sets the mode per the appropriate settings in the section defined as [production], [development], etc. A complete set of key-value pairs is required for each mode. Duplicate the default production set, and edit as necessary. Valid options:

  • production
  • development
  • staging
  • etc.

Production Section

Key Type Default Description
admindomain string empty string Controls the URL for accessing the back-end administration area of Mura. Especially useful for when you wish to use SSL for the admin area.
admindir string /admin A custom path to where the admin directory is located. The path must not be nested in a subdirectory (e.g., /some/custom/path is bad). Essentially, this setting merely allows you to rename, the admin directory, not necessarily move it. If you change this setting, you must reload Mura from the webroot, and not from the back-end administration area.
adminemail string empty string Default email address of the primary administrator for the installation of Mura.
adminssl boolean false

Valid options:

  • false
    • SSL certificate is not installed for the administration domain.
  • true
    • SSL certificate is installed for the administration domain.
aggregatecontentqueries boolean false

This setting is only used when the "Extranet" setting is set to "On", as found under Site Settings > Modules tab > Extranet (Password Protection), and will only apply to "content" feed beans using the "aggregate" functionality.

  • false
    • Returns an error, unless the logged in user is a member of the "Admin" group or "Super User".
  • true
    • Protected content could be included in any "content" feed beans created using the "aggregate" functionality.
allowautoupdates boolean true

Determines whether links to update the Core and Site files are displayed. Valid options:

    • false
      • Do not display links to Update Mura Core, or Update Site(s)
    • true
      • Display links to Update Mura Core, and Update Site(s)
    allowedindexfiles string index.cfm, index.json, index.html Filenames allowed to be used with Mura's directory path URLs.
    allowlocalfiles boolean false When importing files, Mura checks to see if you allow files to be imported from the local file system.
    allowsimplehtmlforms boolean true If false, only FormBuilder forms will be allowed. This is often used for security purposes.
    assetdir string empty string A custom file path to where your site assets should be stored.
    assetpath string empty string The URL to where your assets are stored. Can be a domain or a root relative path.
    autodiscoverplugins boolean false If true, Mura will scan the plugins directory for any new plugins, and if found, will auto-register them.
    autoresetpasswords boolean false When using the "Lost Password" functionality, if true it will send a new password via email, otherwise if false, it will send a link via email to auto-login and prompt user to change password.
    autoupdatemode string default

    This feature is used when Mura is releasing a public Beta of the next version. Valid options include:

    • default
      • Don't update to Beta version, when performing an auto-update.
    • preview
      • Update to Beta version, when performing an auto-update.
    bcryptpasswords boolean true Determines whether or not passwords go through the BCrypt process. If false, passwords are hashed instead.
    clientmanagement boolean false This is an Application.cfc variable.
    clientstorage string empty string This is an Application.cfc variable.
    confirmsaveasdraft boolean true If true, a confirmation alert will appear when you navigate away from a content item without saving it.
    context string empty string If Mura is installed under a subdirectory of the webroot, you should enter the path here. Mura will typically populate this field automatically, but you may have to enter the information if you move Mura after being installed.
    cookiedomain string empty string Attribute to describe the scope of cookies. Read more
    cookiepath string empty string Another attribute to describe the scope of cookies. Read more
    customtagpaths string empty string A comma-delimited list of custom tag paths. For example, "c:\mapped1,c:\mapped2"
    datasource string empty string This is the datasource (DSN) Mura should use to access the database.
    dbcasesensitive boolean false If your database is case sensitive, (e.g., Oracle, Postgres), then set this to true
    dbpassword string empty string Do not use this, if you're able to set your able to define your datasource.
    dbtype string empty string

    The database type being used by the datasource. Valid options:

    • MS SQL
    • MySQL
    • Postgres
    • Oracle
    dbtablespace string USERS Used only when dbtype=Oracle
    dbusername string empty string Do not use this, if you're able to set your able to define your datasource.
    debuggingenabled boolean true Controls whether or not Mura should display CFML errors to the browser. If set to false, Mura will display the file found under errortemplate.
    defaultfilemode integer 777 If Mura is installed on a Unix based system, this setting will control the default permissions, in numeric notation.
    defermurajs boolean true If true, the script reference to Mura.js will include the "defer" attribute, which means it be executed after the document has been parsed. This will improve the page load performance time.
    enablemuratag boolean true At a global level, controls whether or not Mura will parse content for Mura [m] tags. May also be controlled at a site-level via the contentRenderer.cfc, on a site-by-site basis.
    encryptionkey string hash of getCurrentTemplatePath() Available for developers to use as an application-level storage for a custom encryption key.
    errortemplate string /muraWRM/config/error.html Specifies the location of a file Mura should use when a CFML error occurs, and debuggingenabled=false.
    filedir string empty string Optionally specify a custom directory to store Mura files, such as associated images (this does not include files uploaded via the web editor). Defaults to {context}/{SiteID}/cache/file/
    fmshowapplicationroot boolean true Controls whether or not the File Manager (CKFinder) displays the application root.
    fmshowsitefiles boolean true Controls whether or not the File Manager (CKFinder) displays site files.
    forceadminssl boolean true If true, Mura will force "https" protocol.
    hashurls boolean false If true, Mura will generate URLs with directory names as hashes.
    haslockablenodes boolean false If true, when a content manager is editing content, other content managers will be unable to edit the same content.
    hstsmaxage integer 1200 View
    for more information.
    imageinterpolation string highQuality

    Specify a specific interpolation algorithm by name, by image quality, or by performance. See ImageResize for more information. Valid options:

    • highestQuality
    • highQuality
    • mediumQuality
    • highestPerformance
    • highPerformance
    • mediumPerformance
    • nearest
    • bilinear
    • bicubic
    • bessel
    • blackman
    • hamming
    • hanning
    • hermite
    • lanczos
    • mitchell
    • quadratic
    indexfileinurls boolean true

    Controls whether or not "/index.cfm" appears in Mura-generated URLs. Valid options:

    • false
      • Does not include "/index.cfm" in Mura-generated URLs. This option also requires the use of URL rewrite rules for your web server. See web.config.txt or htaccess.txt for more information.
    • true
      • Includes "/index.cfm" in Mura-generated URLs.
    javasettingsloadcoldfusionclasspath boolean true This is an Application.cfc variable.
    javasettingsloadpaths string /requirements/lib This is an Application.cfc variable.
    javasettingswatchextensions string jar,class This is an Application.cfc variable.
    javasettingswatchinterval integer 60 This is an Application.cfc variable.
    legacyappcfc boolean false Prior to v7.1, Application.cfc lifecycle files existed under the config/appcfc/ directory, and Mura Plugin developers sometimes linked to some of these files. To ease the upgrade path for legacy plugins, Mura will add stub files back to this location if this setting is set to true
    locale string server

    Renders dates and times per the selected locale. Valid options are:

    • server
    • client
    loginstrikes integer 4 The number of times a user can attempt to login before being locked out.
    mailserverip string empty string SMTP server address to use for sending email messages.
    mailserverpassword string empty string A password to send to SMTP servers that require authentication.
    mailserverpopport integer 110 POP port
    mailserversmtpport integer 25 TCP/IP port on which SMTP server listens for requests
    mailserverssl boolean false Whether to use Secure Sockets Layer
    mailservertls boolean false Whether to use Transport Level Security
    mailserverusername string empty string A username to send to SMTP servers that require authentication.
    maxarchivedversions integer 50 The number of versions to store in Mura.
    maxportalitems integer 1000 Limits the number of total content items to display for pagination purposes on Folder displays.
    maxsourceimagewidth integer 4000 Mura attempts to store the source image when uploading files. If the image size exceeds the width setting here in pixels, Mura will resize down to this setting.
    mfa boolean false Experimental. Multi-factor authentication setting. If set to true, Mura will send email to user with authentication token to use to login. 
    mfaperdevice boolean false Experimental. Determines whether you have to use MFA only once per device.
    mfasendauthcode boolean true Experimental. Set to false, if sending MFA token via a custom method.
    notifywithversionlink boolean true Tells Mura when notifications for review are sent whether to send return link to the version history page or directly to the version edit form.
    ormautomanagesession boolean true This is a CFML ORM setting.
    offline404 boolean true Controls whether Mura returns a 404 status code for offline content.
    ormcfclocation string empty string This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormdatasource string empty string This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormdbcreate string update This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormenabled boolean true This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormeventhandling boolean true This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormflushatrequestend boolean false This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormlogsql boolean false This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormsavemapping boolean false This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormskipcfcwitherror boolean false This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ormusedbformapping boolean false This is a CFML ORM setting.
    ping boolean false

    Controls the scheduled task Mura creates for publishing scheduled content, sending scheduled emails, etc. Valid options:

    • true
      • Mura will attempt to create the scheduled task(s). However, some CFML servers do not allow this to be done programmatically.
    • false
      • Mura will not attempt to create any scheduled task(s).
    plugindir string empty string A custom filepath to where your plugins will be installed. Example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\plugins
    port integer ${cgi.SERVER_PORT} The Port that Mura runs on, and is included in Mura generated links. The Port needs to be the same for both the front end and back end of the site.
    proxypassword string empty string Network proxy password for external http calls, if needed.
    proxyport integer ${cgi.SERVER_PORT} Network proxy port for external http calls, if needed.
    proxyserver string empty string Network proxy server for external http calls, if needed.
    proxyuser string empty string Network proxy user for external http calls, if needed.
    purgedrafts boolean true Whether or not to purge drafts when a new, active  version is published.
    recaptchasitekey string empty string The global Google reCAPTCHA site key. Used if no setting is entered at a site level via Site Settings.
    recaptchasecret string empty string The global Google reCAPTCHA secret. Used if no setting is entered at a site level via Site Settings.
    recaptchalanguage string en The global Google reCAPTCHA language. Used if no setting is entered at a site level via Site Settings.
    rendermuraalerts boolean true Whether or not to display alerts in the Mura administration area.
    requesttimeout integer 1000 This is an Application.cfc variable.
    sameformfieldsasarray boolean false This is an Application.cfc variable.
    scriptprotect boolean true This is an Application.cfc variable.
    scriptprotectexceptions string body,source,params This is Mura's internal parsing for script protection. A comma-delimited list of fields to ignore for script protection.
    manageSessionCookies boolean true This determines whether Mura will manage session cookies.
    securecookies boolean false This is an Application.cfc variable.
    sessioncookiesexpires string never This is an Application.cfc variable.
    sendfrommailserverusername boolean true Whether or not to send email messages via the mailserverusername setting.
    sessionhistory integer 0 Number of days to be stored for session tracking stats.
    sessiontimeout integer 180 This is an Application.cfc variable.
    showadminloginhelp boolean true Whether or not to display help when attempting to log in to the Mura administration area.
    siteidinurls boolean false Whether or not to include the {SiteID} in links generated by Mura.
    sortpermission string editor

    Controls which Mura "role" has the ability to sort content. Valid options are:

    • editor
    • author
    strictfactory boolean true This controls the DI/1 strict setting. If true, DI/1 will throw an exception if it cannot resolve a bean implied by a constructor argument, setter name, or property name. If false, DI/1 simply calls logMissingBean() which writes the failure to the Java console.
    stricthtml boolean false If true, Mura will not allow HTML syntax to be used in class extension's extended attributes, unless explicitly excluded via the stricthtmlexclude setting.
    stricthtmlexclude string empty string If stricthtml=true, Mura will check this setting for a list of extended attributes to allow HTML syntax. It is not necessary to specify any extended attributes where its type is set to HTMLEditor.
    strongpasswordregex regex (?=^.{7,15}$)(?=.*\d)(?![.\n])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).*$ If strongpasswords=true, Mura will use the regular expression (regex) entered here when users create their passwords.
    strongpasswords boolean false If true, Mura enforces the strongpasswordregex setting.
    tempdir string empty string A custom path for temporary storage for uploaded files.
    title string Mura CMS Text to prepend the Site Name in the <title> tag of the Mura Administrator.
    usedefaultsmtpserver boolean true Whether or not to use the SMTP server settings stored in the CFML administrator.
    usefilemode boolean false Option to specify that Mura set file permissions for Unix-based systems.
    windowdocumentdomain string empty string This setting controls the document.domain setting for Mura's administration UI when editing content via the front-end for potential cross-subdomain issues. See Same-origin policy on the Mozilla Developer Network for more information.

    The "core" Directory

    Once you've determined where Mura has been installed, you'll want to be able to identify Mura's "core" files. This is important to know, because the last thing you want to do is modify a file you shouldn't have touched to begin with.

    As you'll see later, Mura offers an easy way to keep your installation of Mura up-to-date, and if you're modifying "core" files, there's a very good chance your changes would be overwritten. So, in this section, we'll cover where "core" files reside, and which ones you can safely modify, to stay on the upgrade path.

    Mura Directory Structure

    There are a few primary directories and files you'll want to be aware of in Mura. The image below displays the "core" directory structure.

    Directory or File Editable Description
    {context}/core/appcfc/ No The files contained in this directory are included in Mura's main Application.cfc file. See The "appcfc" Directory section for details.
    {context}/core/docker/ No This directory contains files related to running Mura on Docker
    {context}/core/modules/ No The directories and files located here represent the default display objects and modules used by Mura. This is covered more extensively in the Mura Modules/Display Objects section.
    {context}/core/mura/ No The files located here are essentially the beating heart of Mura. We'll take a deeper look at some of its directories and files later.
    {context}/core/setup/ No This directory contains files required during the installation process.
    {context}/core/templates/ No This directory contains "templates" used to create core files such as the settings.ini.cfmrobots.txt, and some site files such as the SitecontentRenderer.cfc, and Site eventHandler.cfc. These files are typically only used during the installation process.
    {context}/core/tests/ No This directory contains files for conducting unit tests.
    {context}/core/vendor/ No This directory contains third-party code which Mura relies on for various parts of its functionality such as CKEditor.
    {context}/core/.gitignore No The Mura Team uses Git for distributed version control, and this is the site .gitignore file used to specify intentionally untracked files.
    {context}/core/Application.cfc No This particular file merely prevents users from navigating to any of the .cfm or .cfc files directly via the browser.


    The "appcfc" Directory

    The files stored under {context}/core/appcfc/ contains code used in Mura's root Application.cfc

    Each file represents either an Application.cfc event method, or the code that's invoked and/or executed in the specified application event. The CFML methods are all broken out into separate "{event}_include.cfm" and "{event}_method.cfm" files.

    For example, the onApplicationStart_method.cfm file simply contains the standard CFML onApplicationStart method, which in turn includes the onApplicationStart_include.cfm file.

    As you might have already figured out, this is useful for Mura developers creating plugins and/or applications, and wish to include Mura's logic in their own Application.cfc.

    You'll learn about Mura's event flow, and how you can inject your own business logic, in the Mura Events section.


    The "sites" Directory

    You can host multiple websites under one installation of Mura. Each website can have its own, unique domain, assets, groups, users, etc. That said, one important thing to keep in mind when working with theme development in Mura is to make sure you're working with the right directory.


    Every Mura installation has a directory labeled "sites", located directly under the Mura root or context. This directory name should never be modified, under any circumstances. It contains one file, labeled the Application.cfc (see table below), and a minimum of one sub-directory.

    Directory or File Editable Description
    {context}/sites/Application.cfc Yes Required.
    {context}/sites/default/ Yes Required. Each Mura installation also has a minimum of one site, labeled the "default" directory. The "default" directory name itself should not be modified, nor should any other Mura-generated directory name located under the "sites" directory. Doing so will break functionality. See below for more information on the "default" directory.


    Every Mura installation has a directory labeled "default." This directory name should never be modified, under any circumstances. The directories and files located under the "default" directory comprise the "site" files for the "Default" site.

    In addition to holding all of the "site" files for the "Default" site, the directory label is also the "Site ID," also referred to as the  "SiteID" (no space). To verify a site's SiteID, follow the steps below.

    1. From the back-end administration area of Mura, select Site Settings, then click Edit Settings.
    2. On the Site Settings screen, the first field located under the Basic tab is labeled "Site ID."
    3. The "Site ID" field is a "read only" field, and cannot be modified. This is intentionally designed to work this way.
    4. When creating a new site in Mura, you specify the Site ID. This is important, because whatever you enter into that field will become the directory name. So, do not use any punctuation, special characters, etc. when doing so. See the "How to Add a New Site" section for more information on creating a new site.

    The key to remember here is each site in Mura has a unique SiteID which also matches the directory name. So, the path to any particular site you desire to work with can be notated as {context}/sites/{SiteID}/.

    Note: Whenever you create a new site in Mura, all of the files located under the "default" directory are copied over to the newly created site's directory.


    As a Mura theme developer, you'll be spending most of your time working with files located within your theme. The directory structure of a Mura site is detailed below.

    Directory or File Editable Description
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/assets/ Yes* Required. The "assets" directory stores any files uploaded through Mura's web file manager, currently CKFinder, when editing content via the user interface. It's best to simply use the web file manager itself to manage these files. However, we understand you may want, or need, to perform a bulk upload of files to a specific directory. When doing so, please be sure not to alter the primary directory structure, as you could potentially break links to files referenced here.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/cache/ No Required. You should not touch this directory. Any images, files, etc. uploaded as actual content or primary associated files are renamed and stored here. References to all files are also stored in Mura's database.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/modules/ Yes Optional. This directory contains the files Mura uses to render display objects in the browser. See The "modules" Directory section for more information.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/resource_bundles/ Yes Optional. This directory contains ".properties" files containing locale-specific data as a way of internationalising Mura. See The "resource_bundles" Directory section for more information.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/themes/ Yes Optional. This directory contains a site's themes. Themes stored under this directory are not accessible to any other site, unless the sites are using the same "Display Object Pool" as defined under Site Settings > Edit Settings > Share Resources tab. See The "themes" Directory section for more information.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/.gitignore No Optional. The Mura Team uses Git for distributed version control, and this is the site .gitignore file used to specify intentionally untracked files.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/contentRenderer.cfc Yes Optional. This is the Site contentRenderer.cfc file. You can add site-specific methods here. This is covered in the Mura contentRenderer.cfc section.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/eventHandler.cfc Yes Optional. This is the Site eventHandler.cfc file. You can add site-specific event handlers/listeners here. This is covered in the Event Handlers section.
    {context}/sites/{SiteID}/index.cfm No Required. This is the site's "start" file, and should not be modified.


    The "themes" Directory

    As a Mura Developer, you may spend some time working with themes. Themes may be located under one of the following locations:

    • Global Themes
      • {context}/themes/
      • Themes located under the "Global" themes directory will automatically be available as a theme option for all sites under the same Mura instance.
    • Site Themes
      • {context}/sites/{SiteID}/themes/
      • Themes located under a site's "themes" directory are available to the specified site, and/or any other sites sharing the same "Display Object Pool" as defined under Site Settings > Edit Settings > Shared Resources tab.

    Mura automatically checks these "themes" directories for any subdirectories. If Mura discovers any subdirectories, it assumes it is a theme, and uses the name of each directory as the "Theme Name". The "Theme Name" will then be listed as an option for authorized administrators to apply as a theme to their site. You may have as many themes as you wish under a "themes" directory.

    When Mura is first installed, if a theme does not exist under either of these directories, Mura will attempt to download a theme using the "defaultthemeurl" setting found in the {context}/config/settings.ini.cfm file.

    To learn more about the files and directories that comprise a theme, visit the Creating Layout Templates section of the Theme Developer Guide.


    The "modules" Directory

    Mura "modules" can be used to either enhance your layout via the use of "display objects", and/or even add functionality to your site(s). Mura's display object modules allow you to quickly and easily add visual elements such as Collections, Components, Forms, navigational aids, and so much more.

    Lookup Hierarchy

    Mura uses the following lookup hierarchy when searching for modules, and aborts the lookup process once the target module has been located:

    • Registered Module Directory
      • {RegisteredModuleDirectory}/
      • A pre-registered module directory path. See Modifying Mura's Modules for more information.
    • Module
      • ../{module}/modules/
      • A nested "modules" directory nested within a known module.
    • Theme
      • ../{ThemeName}/modules/
      • Theme modules are only used when the specified theme is actively assigned to a site. Keep in mind themes may be located under either the global themes directory ({context}/themes/{ThemeName}), or under a site ({context}/sites/{SiteID}/themes/{ThemeName}).
    • Site
      • {context}/sites/{SiteID}/modules/
      • Site modules are shared across all themes within the specific site.
    • Global
      • {context}/modules/
      • Global modules are shared across all sites under a single Mura instance.
    • Core
      • {context}/core/modules/v1/core_assets/modules/
      • These are the "core" modules or display objects which may be copied and placed into any of the directories above to be safely modified. 

    Note: You should not edit the "core" modules directly. If you do, you run the risk of losing your edits or changes whenever you update Mura to the latest version.

    Learn More

    Developers may customize existing modules, or even create custom modules, unique to your organization's needs such as a stock ticker, and even create full-blown applications to be embedded within a single page or an entire section of your site. You will learn more about creating custom modules in the Mura Modules & Display Objects section.

    The "resource_bundles" Directory

    Mura utilizes resource bundles to internationalize various areas of the user interface, making the code locale-independent.

    Resource bundles are .properties files, located under specified directories in Mura. These .properties files, or resource bundles, are named to indicate the language code, and country code. For example, the language code for English (en) and the country code for United States (US) would be represented as If Mura cannot find a direct language and region match, it will search for a language match. If a locale's language cannot be found, Mura will fall back to its default of English, or

    The file itself is comprised of key-value pairs. The keys remain the same throughout each of the .properties files, and the value is translated into the file's designated language. If Mura is searching for a specific key-value pair within a translation, and cannot locate it, Mura will fall back to the English translation.

    The image below illustrates the file side-by-side with the file:

    Lookup Hierarchy

    Mura automatically searches for resource bundles under specific directories, and uses the key-value pair(s) found in the order outlined below. If a resource_bundles directory does not exist in the following locations, you may safely create one, and place your resource bundle files there.

    • Module
      • ../{module}/resource_bundles/
      • Module (aka "Display Object") resource bundles are used for the specific module itself.
    • Content Types
      • ../content_types/{type}_{subtype}/resource_bundles/
      • Content Types resource bundles are used for the specified content type.
    • Theme
      • ../{ThemeName}/resource_bundles/
      • Theme resource bundles are only used when the specified theme is actively assigned to a site.
    • Site
      • {context}/sites/{SiteID}/resource_bundles/
      • Site resource bundles are shared across all themes within the specified site.
    • Global
      • {context}/resource_bundles/
      • Global resource bundles are shared across all sites under a single Mura instance.
    • Core
      • {context}/core/modules/v1/core_assets/resource_bundles/
      • If the requested key-value pair is not defined in any of the locations above, Mura will use the "core" resource bundles located here for Mura's modules.

    Note: Admin-area resource bundles are located under {context}/core/mura/resourceBundle/resources/. However, as of v7.1, many key-value pairs are not able to be overwritten using the technique described above at this time. Allowing for this option is under consideration for a future version.


    If you would like to contribute to the translations project, please visit Your help will be greatly appreciated!

    More Info

    More information on resource bundles, including how to customize and create your own key-value pairs, is covered in the Internationalization & Localization section.

    How to Update Mura

    Mura offers a way to keep your installation up-to-date, with the click of a button. Please be sure to back up the database, and your filesystem before attempting to use this feature. We also recommend performing this in a development or testing environment before using this feature in a "live" or "production" environment.

    Follow the steps below to update Mura.

    1. From the back-end administrator area of Mura, select Global Settings on the main navigation, then click Update Mura Core. Or, from the Global Settings area, you may also click the "Update Core Files" button, located near the top of the screen.
    2. You should see the Update Mura Core confirmation window, with a warning instructing you not to update the core files unless you've back up your current Mura install. If you wish to proceed, select the "OK" button, otherwise, click "Cancel" to abort the update process.
    3. If you selected the "OK" button, Mura will use the value of the autoupdateurl variable entered in the file located at {context}/config/settings.ini.cfm. No files are ever deleted during this process, files are only overwritten if they exist, or created if they don't. Once the process completes, Mura will display a message, along with the version you have been updated to as found in the {context}/box.json file.
    4. When you're finished, you may click the List Sites button to return to the Global SettingsSites view.


    In this section, we dove into Mura's directory and file structure. We examined the differences between "Core" and "Site" files, and the areas you could safely modify, while keeping your Mura installation on the upgrade path. The information you've learned here should help you as you continue your journey through Mura.