The content
object is a wrapper of Mura's content bean object, and is a subscope object of the Mura Scope. It wraps the content bean of the content item being served in the current request. It includes data about a Mura content item, such as the title, summary, body, etc. In addition, there are several content-specific helper methods included. For example, you could get an iterator of direct children of the content item, what specific categories the content item has been assigned to, etc.
The following examples illustrate how to "get" and/or "set" various attributes of the content
object. Use whichever syntax feels best to you.
m.content('attributeName') m.content().get('attributeName') m.content().get{AttributeName}() m.content().getValue('attributeName')
m.content('attributeName', 'someValue') m.content().set('attributeName', 'someValue') m.content().set{AttributeName}('someValue') m.content().setValue('attributeName', 'someValue')
A populated content
Use this scope to access information about the content
item being served in the current request.
See the Content Bean section for details on available attributes.
Helper Methods
See the Content Bean section for details on available helper methods..