Site Settings
When setting up new sites in Mura there are a lot of options to choose from. Here's an overview.
Basic Tab
Site ID
This must be unique and is the name of the sub-directory that will contain all of this site assets.
This is the full name of the site.
Enter the domain for your site i.e.,,, localhost, etc. Do not include "http://" or the port (:8500, for example).
The locale can be set to accommodate a language other than what is set for the server by default.
Selects a an available theme for front-end display.
Page Limit
The maximum number number of content nodes that the site will allow.
Default View Depth
This is the number of levels that are show by default in the site manager. The default is one and should only be changed if the site that you are manager is very small.
Default Rows
This is the default number of rows that will show up in the site manager. If there are more that this amount on a level the user will be presented with pagination.
Site Caching
This turns off and on the component level caching that is implemented with the "cacheOmatic" custom tag. Learn more about Caching in Mura.
Use SSL (Sitewide)
This setting forces all page requests to be served with the "https://" prefix. Only set this option to "true" if you have a valid SSL certificate in place for your site.
Lock Site Architecture
This potentially limits where users can add and edit content in the site manager. Sometimes you may have need top lock top level pages because the links are hard coded into the templates. In that case we would use the "Top" settings. You can also lock "All" architecture to make sure no nodes are deleted.
Allow Comments to be Posted without Admin Approval
This sets the default behavior for the default comments engine. It is applied to content from the "System Objects" content objects group.
HTML Export (Beta)
This is the complete path to the web root of your static html location. When you update your site settings, Mura will check the location to confirm that it is valid. If it is, a link to export a static site bundle will be available. Keep in mind that any dynamic Mura objects will not function as a static export. For example, Comments, Ratings, Site Search, Password-Protection, Calendars, Category Filtering, etc.
Contact Info Tab
The contact tab is for settings the default contact information for the site. Some it is used later in the configurable email scripts/text.
Shared Resources
Member Pool
Sites in Mura can share member pools between different sites. So a users account would allow them access to any site that used the same member pool.
Administrative User Pool
Similar to member pools. Sites can share administrative user pools. So if 4 sites were using the "default" sites administrative user pool when users from that pool logged in they would potentialy see all 4 sites in their site selector. This would depend on what user groups that the user belonged. On the other had you could have a fifth site that has it own administrative user pool and it's users will never have any access to the other 4.
Advertiser User Pool
Similar to the above concepts but for advertisers. Advertisers are create by simply creating a site members group name advertisers and place members into that group.
DisplayObject Pool
If you end up having custom changes to the [siteID]/includes/display_objects/ code base and only want one place to manager that code you can set sites to look at another sites files.
Modules Tab
This is where you turn off an on various modules in Mura. If you ever see missing functionality check here to make sure that that module is in fact turned on.
Email Tab
This is where you set up the email settings that are used throughout Mura. You will see various "scripts" or specific verbiage for each type of communications such as email confirmations, login credential resets, etc.
Default "From" Email Address
Unless otherwise specified (in an email in the Email Broadcaster, for instance), all emails sent from Mura will use this email address as the default "from" address.
Mail Server
Enter the URL or IP Address of the mail server you'd like to use to send email from Mura. If you'd like to use the mail server set in your application server, this can be set below.
Mail Server SMTP Port
Enter the SMTP port for the mail server here. The default port is 25, but others may be used as well.
Mail Server POP Port
Enter the POP port for the mail server here. The default port is 110, but others may be used as well
Mail Server Username
This is the email address that is used to send emails from the site. The main thing to keep in mind is that you'll want to have a dedicated email address for this. This address is used to catch bounces and Mura will check and remove email from this account.
Mail Server Password
Enter the password for the mail server here.
If your mail server requires TLS for security, check the "Yes" button.
If your mail server requires SSL for security, check the "Yes" button.
Use Default SMTP Server
If a mail server is specified in your application server (ColdFusion, Railo, OpenBD), you can use that instead of specifying one.
Images Tab
When you add a content node of type "FILE" that is also an image, add an image to a Gallery or associate an image with a specific content node, Mura creates 3 separate versions (small, medium and large). This is where you configure what those sizes are and how they are scaled. If desired, you can create custom image sizes to fit your needs.
Extranet Tab
This is where you turn on and configure extranet functionality.
Custom Login URL
This is the url to where users are redirected when they are required to login. The default is simply the page you are on with a keyword in the URL. However, when needed you can change that to a completely separate page. When the user successfully logs in they are return to the original url.
Custom Profile URL
This is the same concept as the login url but for editing a user profile.
Display Regions Tab
This is a very important tab that configure the display regions for the site.
Number of Display Regions
The total number of display regions for the site.
Primary Display Region
Of those display regions which is the primary region. This is the regions that will be integrated into the template in the main content area.
Display Region Names
You can enter a ^ delimited list that will serve a names for the display regions within the admin. These regions are then integrated into the template and you will see something like
#$.dspBody($.content('body'),$.content('title'),false)# #$.dspObjects(2)#
If you are starting you site with the default templates, copy these same settings into your new site. You can also use the mura tag to place your form into a pages main content like
[mura ]$.dspObject('form',[contentID],[siteID])[ /mura]
You can find the contentID of your form on your forms advanced tab.