Edit Content
Whether editing existing content or creating new content, you will first encounter details about the item you are editing.
- Type: This specifies the type of content node you are editing.
- Status: This is the current status of the item you are editing. Published means the page is published onto your live site. Draft means the page is saved, not published, and therefore not accessible by users on the front end.
- Update: The date/time of the last update.
Just below the item details is a set of useful links:
- Back to Site Manager: Takes you back to the Site Manager view.
- View Published Version: Opens a preview of the currently published version of the content.
- View This Version: Opens a preview of the current version of the content that is being edited. The difference from View Published Version is that this version has not yet been published.
- Version History: Opens the Version History page. Here you can see previous versions of the page being edited. Visit the Version History page for more information.
- Delete Content: Opens an Alert dialog window to inform you that deleting the content will also delete all content nested beneath it.
- Permissions: Opens the options for user permissions for the content that is being edited.
Next are the edit content tabs. Each tab gives you several options for customizing your page.